Managed IT Services

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At BlueCube Technologies we understand that your business needs to run at full capacity, day in, and day out. We offer solutions that have been designed to optimize user productivity while offering an unparalleled customer service experience. Below are some of our solutions that we offer to our many satisfied customers.

Our Managed Service offers you the peace of mind to enable you to focus on growing your business, and can include any or all of the below services:

A resource for you to call on when you need support or advice.
Active Monitoring of the health and operation of your computer devices to ensure optimum operability of all systems.
All your infrastructure security needs on a pay-per-use basis. No more annual renewals or up-front payments.
Security services include:
        Antivirus and malware protection
        Zero-Day threat protection
        Gateway Firewall protection
        Patching and updating of Microsoft Operating Systems and applications, as well as 3rd Party software applications
Ensure the safety and recoverability of your most critical business data by backing it up offsite automatically every day.
Protect your business systems from disaster such as server failure/fire/flood/water damage.
Have your business back up and running in a matter of hours following a disaster.
Have the security of your network and your applications constantly monitored for vulnerabilities and security threats, ensuring you are ahead of the game when it comes to threat protection.

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